宝杯の伝承 Legend of the Chalice
(教室・アビス 昼)
Abyssian Classroom | Daytime
コンスタンツェ: ところでユーリス、闘技場で捕らえた賊は、何か白状しまして?
Constance: Pray tell, Yuri. Did those foul bandits whom we bested at the arena confess to anything?
ユーリス: 収穫なし。奴ら、雇い主の名前も吐かねえ……いや、知らねえみたいだった。
Yuri: Not a word. And they wouldn't name names. I got the feeling they didn't know much themselves.
However, one thing is clear. Whoever hired them is after something here in Abyss.
バルタザール: あー……そういや奴らの言動を思い返すと、宝でも探してるみてえだったな。
Balthus: Yeah, that's gotta be it. They must have been on a treasure hunt or something.
ハピ: 宝探し? 意味わかんないじゃん。貧しい地下に何があるっていうんだか。
Hapi: A treasure hunt here? I don't get it. What is there to find in these dingy tunnels?
リンハルト: アルファルドさん、だっけ?心当たりありそうな顔してますけど。
Linhardt: Aelfric, was it? Looks like this is ringing a bell for you.
アルファルド: ……いえ、一つ思い浮かんだものの、流石に荒唐無稽だなと考え直していたのです。
Aelfric: Well, something does come to mind, but the notion is preposterous at best.
クロード: おっと、荒唐無稽な推論ほど、真実に一番近かったりするもんだ。
Claude: Never discount a wild hunch. Sometimes they're closer to the truth than you'd think.
ディミトリ: どんな手掛かりでも構いません。行動の指針を定めるためにも、是非、頼みます。
Dimitri: Any lead will do, so long as it helps determine our next course of action. Please, go on.
アルファルド: ……では、笑わずに聞いていただけますか?アビスには、ある伝承が残っているのです。
Aelfric: As you wish, though again, it is quite far-fetched. You see, there is a longstanding legend here.
It is said that deep underground, below even Abyss, is a place called the Chasm of the Bound wherein lies the Chalice of Beginnings.
Choice 1: 始原の宝杯……? The Chalice of Beginnings?
リンハルト: 宝杯……聞いたことないですね。教団が所蔵していた遺物でしょうか?
Linhardt: I've never heard of it, but chances are it's some kind of sacred artifact belonging to the church.
Choice 2: 封印の谷……? The Chasm of the Bound?
ユーリス: へえ、初耳ですね。アビスの奥が、谷に繋がっているってことですか。
Yuri: Huh. This is the first I've heard of it... So you believe Abyss is connected to that place?
バルタザール: どこかに繋がってても不思議はねえが、辿り着ける気はしねえなあ……。
Balthus: Lots of twists and turns down here, so it's not the craziest idea ever. Must be well hidden though.
アルファルド: “宝杯の儀”という儀式について記された古い文書を、偶然見つけましてね。
Aelfric: I once happened upon an old document that mentioned a ritual called the Rite of Rising.
The text was incomplete, so I was unable to achieve a full understanding of the topic. I cannot even guarantee the authenticity of what I read.
But it stated that the Chalice of Beginnings is a sacred object crafted by order of Saint Seiros herself.
Saint Seiros apparently used the artifact to carry out the Rite of Rising, along with the Four Apostles.
Choice 1: “宝杯の儀”とは?What is the Rite of Rising?
アルファルド: どうやら、失われた命を呼び戻すための儀式だったようです。
Aelfric: It is a ritual that is believed to have the power to resurrect a life that was lost.
Choice 2: 4人の使徒? Who are the Four Apostles?
リンハルト: あ、4人の使徒なら覚えがあります。記録がほとんど残っていない聖人ですよ。
Linhardt: I vaguely recall reading about the Four Apostles. They were saints...and that's about all anyone knows. Hardly any records of them remain.
Few alive even know their names, but these apostles supposedly assisted the Four Saints with their holy work.
アルファルド: ……セイロスは儀式を通じて喪われた命をこの世に呼び戻そうとしたといいます。
Aelfric: It is also believed that Saint Seiros attempted to perform a resurrection using the chalice.
However, the ritual failed... The Four Apostles bound the chalice so that it would never fall into a mortal's hands.
クロード: ふうん、“宝杯の儀”、ねえ……
Claude: The Rite of Rising, eh? Hmm...
コンスタンツェ: ……宝杯の話であれば、私、ずっと昔にお父様から聞いたかもしれませんわ。
Constance: Ah, yes, the chalice of legend! My father mention to me a very long time ago.
A secret treasure of the church... A chalice powerful enough to resurrect the dead... Exhilarating, no?
ディミトリ: やはり、死者を蘇らせる……か。……欲する者がいるのも、不思議ではない。
Dimitri: Quite. It is no small wonder that people are after it.
エーデルガルト: いずれにせよ、もう少し伝承についての情報を集めたほうが良さそうね。
Edelgard: Even so, we still don't have much to go on. We must gather more information about this legend at once.
アルファルド: ええ、そう思います。私も修道院内で心当たりを探ってみましょう。
Aelfric: I wholeheartedly agree. I will do all I can to track down more clues within the monastery.
Although, Garreg Mach's library is so...well curated, I doubt any further records will be found.
コンスタンツェ: 感謝しますわ。それでは私たちも、ここでできることをいたしましょう。
Constance: Wondrous! We shall do all that we can as well.